On August 11, 2020 at 1:00 pm CST, Team Leader Greg Evans and Program Directors Christie Canaria and Nancy Kamei of the National Cancer Institute Small Business Innovation Research Development Center (NCI SBIR) will provide funding, networking, and mentoring assistance to small businesses with early-stage innovative cancer technology projects. NCI SBIR staff are available to meet with select researchers to discuss potential projects one-on-one following the virtual event.

This event is hosted by the Texas Medical Center Accelerator for Cancer Therapeutics (TMC ACT) program, a CPRIT-backed accelerator launched in collaboration with the Gulf Coast Consortia (GCC) and The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). This program provides life science entrepreneurs an accelerated drug development timeline by bringing together cancer researchers, oncologists, executive mentorship, drug development experts, and investors.

See the TMC ACT event flyer for more information and how to register.