Grant ID RP240392
Awarded On February 21, 2024
Title Identifying Tumor Specific Vulnerabilities in Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma: A Systems Approach
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director John Shen
Cancer Sites Small Intestine, Stomach
Contracted Amount $1,050,000*

*Pending contract negotiation

Lay Summary

Appendix cancer is a rare tumor, but it is unfortunately becoming more common, especially in young adults. Nearly half (40%) of patients afflicted with appendix cancer are under the age of 50, and it is no longer uncommon to see patients in their 30s diagnosed with this lethal and currently incurable disease. Because appendix is rare very few clinical trials have ever been performed in appendix cancer. Unlike most cancers there are no drugs that are approved by the FDA to treat appendix cancer. Traditionally, appendix cancer has been treated with chemotherapy as if it were the same as colon cancer and in 2023 this is still accepted practice by many. However, new data in the last five years gen...

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