Grant ID RP230213
Awarded On February 15, 2023
Title Multi-component Interventions to Improve Uptake and Adherence to Lung Cancer Screening
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator Research Awards for Prevention and Early Detection
Institution/Organization The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Robert J Volk
Cancer Sites Lung and Bronchus
Contracted Amount $1,988,211
Lay Summary

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the state of Texas. Screening eligible persons who currently smoke or smoked in the past is the only proven effective strategy for detecting lung cancer. Screening has the potential to identify lung cancers early, when the chance for cure is greatest. To be effective, lung cancer screening needs to be performed annually. Currently, less than 1 in 10 individuals who are eligible for lung cancer screening have been screened, and only 1 in 5 screened previously are up-to-date with annual screening. Patients are reluctant to return for health care services because of the pandemic, and they need additional reassurance and outreach that screenin...

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