Grant ID RP220137
Awarded On February 16, 2022
Title Implementation of Cancer Screening in Children and Adolescents Genetically at High Risk of Cancer
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator Research Awards for Prevention and Early Detection
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Principal Investigator/Program Director G. E. Tomlinson
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $1,954,748
Lay Summary

There are currently over 50 known genetic syndromes associated with a high risk of cancer in children and adolescents. Identifying children at high risk of cancer is based on physical features, family history, and often is confirmed by genetic testing. Although there is much known about the application of follow-up screening guidelines for the common adult cancers such as breast or colon cancer in individuals wit genetic risks, there is much less known about screening for cancer in children determined to have a high risk of cancer.

Moreover, published evidence for surveillance for cancer in high-risk children is largely from studies at large academic centers and there is much less informat...

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