Grant ID RP180748
Awarded On August 24, 2018
Title GCC Center for Comprehensive PK/PD and Formulation
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Core Facility Support Awards
Institution/Organization Texas Southern University
Principal Investigator/Program Director Dong Liang
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $5,106,420
Lay Summary

Cancer research is evolving rapidly, with many new potential therapeutics reported regularly. However, many of cancer researchers do not have the resources necessary to even begin the FDA's lengthy and costly drug approval process. One of the key challenges for academic cancer researchers and small biotech companies is limited-to-no access to specialized drug development expertise and facilities available to large drug companies. While there are a few Texas core facilities available for discovery of new potential drugs, the next crucial step is to test how the body affects the drug (pharmacokinetics; PK) and how the drug affects the body (pharmacodynamics; PD). Additionally, it is very imp...

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