Grant ID RP170721
Awarded On August 16, 2017
Title Enhancing Immunotherapy of Pancreatic Cancer by Disrupting Mutant K-Ras Using CRISPR/Cas9
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism High Impact/High Risk
Institution/Organization Rice University
Principal Investigator/Program Director Gang Bao
Cancer Sites Pancreas
Contracted Amount $200,000
Lay Summary

Pancreatic cancer remains a major clinical challenge claiming more than 40,000 lives yearly in the US. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), the most common type of pancreatic cancer that accounts for 95% of cases, is excruciatingly resistant to current chemo-radiation therap. Complete surgical removal of the tumor remains the only chance for cure, however 80-90% of PDAC patients are not eligible for curative surgical approaches at the time of clinical presentation. The overall 5-year survival is 5%. Unfortunately, many of the emerging immune-oncology approaches that have shown dramatic effects in certain solid cancers, such as antibodies against immune checkpoint proteins, have been inef...

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