Grant ID RP130553
Awarded On December 05, 2012
Title Exploration of synergistic effects by using a combination of two novel antitumor agents and nano-delivery vehicle to effectively treat resistant solid tumors
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization University of Houston
Principal Investigator/Program Director Xiaoliu Zhang
Cancer Sites Head and Neck, Lung and Bronchus, Ovary
Contracted Amount $1,215,651
Lay Summary

Many solid tumors are routinely treated with chemotherapy and more recently with targeted biotherapy. Despite the enormous progress made in recent years, therapy resistance and/or toxic side effects often limit their benefits. Therefore, new strategies are needed for further improvement. We have made significant progresses on improving both therapies. In our effort to improve chemotherapy, we have synthesized a new class of platinum-based anticancer drugs that exhibit lower cytotoxicity and increased potency than the currently used platinum drugs such as cisplatin. One of these compounds, R,R-D2, has been extensively characterized. It has excellent inhibitory values, not just against cisplat...

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