Grant ID RP130409
Awarded On December 05, 2012
Title COMMD1 and the Control of Tumor Invasion
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Ezra Burstein
Cancer Sites All Sites, Colorectal
Contracted Amount $812,300
Lay Summary

One of the most lethal characteristics of cancer is its ability to grow and invade neighboring organs, and to spread to distant parts of the body in a process called metastasis. While we have good ways to take out many tumors surgically, this becomes a less effective or sometimes impossible option when the tumor invades adjacent vital structures or disseminates throughout the body. Therefore, understanding the process of tumor invasion and devising strategies that may be able to alter this property of cancer cells is a significant priority. In this context, we have identified that a gene called COMMD1 can dampen specific processes that lead to tumor invasion. Decreased COMMD1 levels are ...

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