Grant ID RP120495
Awarded On November 02, 2011
Title North Texas Clinical Pharmacology Cancer Core
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Core Facility Support Awards
Institution/Organization Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Richard Leff
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $2,500,000
Lay Summary

There is an urgent need for translating basic cancer research results into improved care of our cancer patients and/or into better intervention tools to prevent cancer. This proposal is to establish a state-of-the-art core facility to help basic cancer researchers and physicians to better test new drugs or new therapy procedures by better understanding how cancer drugs work in the body, how the drugs treat cancer, and how to avoid unwanted effects of the cancer drugs. In general, the research team of this core facility will do research on what the cancer drugs do to the body and what the human body does to the drugs. Cancer therapy requires a delicate balance between enhancing anticancer eff...

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