Grant ID RP120408
Awarded On November 02, 2011
Title Anti-Cancer Drugs to Treat Cancer Pain
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Howard Gutstein
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $913,322
Lay Summary

One of the most dreaded complications of cancer is severe, unrelenting pain. Opiate narcotics, which have been used for centuries, are still the primary treatment for severe cancer pain. Unfortunately, narcotics are not very effective against pain caused by nerve injury, invasion or compression, which is a prominent component of cancer pain. Opiates also become less effective over time because tolerance develops to their pain-relieving effects. For years, narcotic tolerance and cancer pain have long been thought to utilize similar cellular signals. However, these mechanisms are poorly understood. We recently reformulated Gleevec, a commonly used anti-cancer drug that blocks the platelet-deri...

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