Grant ID RP100680
Awarded On June 18, 2010
Title Ligand-Dependent Stabilization and Rescue of a Compromised Tumor Suppressor
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism High Impact/High Risk
Institution/Organization The Methodist Hospital Research Institute
Principal Investigator/Program Director Paul Webb
Cancer Sites Brain and Other Nervous System, Breast
Contracted Amount $199,725
Lay Summary

Female hormones called estrogens drive the growth of more than two thirds of human breast cancers. Approaches to block estrogen action (anti-estrogens), or reduce estrogens (deprivation), are part of strategies to combat this disease and are credited with improvements in patient survival. Unfortunately, there are drawbacks. First, anti-estrogens and estrogen deprivation therapies are associated with side effects, ranging from depression to metabolic disease and, for some anti-estrogens, risk of other cancers. Second, cancers recur in a form that does not respond well to estrogen blockade and these secondary tumors are associated with poor prognosis. New therapies that spare the patient of ha...

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