Grant ID RP100475
Awarded On January 20, 2010
Title Evaluation of the utility of two-dimensional RNA biomarker analysis in classification of human cancers.
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism High Impact/High Risk
Institution/Organization Baylor College of Medicine
Principal Investigator/Program Director Joel R Neilson
Cancer Sites Basic Science, Multiple Sites
Contracted Amount $200,000
Lay Summary

In the dawn of personalized medicine, global measurements of gene expression are a cutting-edge tool for disease diagnosis and prognosis. These measurements are generally made by assessing the amount of a particular RNA transcript (mRNA) that is produced from each gene. However, a majority of genes encoded in the DNA utilize more than one set of building blocks to produce the mRNAs coding for protein production. While invisible to commonly used genomic platforms, these variations in mRNA composition can change the function of protein that is produced by the gene, and in fact may dictate whether a protein is produced from the transcript at all; We recently demonstrated that proliferative c...

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