Grant ID PP230059
Awarded On August 16, 2023
Title De Casa en Casa 4: Cervical Cancer Screening in Underserved Rural and Border Communities throughout West and South Texas.
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Cancer Screening and Early Detection
Institution/Organization Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at El Paso
Principal Investigator/Program Director Jennifer C Molokwu
Cancer Sites Cervix Uteri
Contracted Amount $2,499,437
Lay Summary

The De Casa en Casa (De Casa) program was created to specifically address barriers to cervical cancer screening among uninsured, underinsured, those in rural and border counties, and racial/ethnic minorities. The program will continue to serve El Paso County and 60 counties in West and South Texas. De Casa addresses the individual through health education, no-cost clinical services, and navigation, along with the community level, by providing capacity-building to partner community-based organizations and healthcare facilities. The target service area includes counties in Texas Public Health Regions 1, 2, 8, and 9/10, including the Paso del Norte, South Plains, Permian Basin, and Border...

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