Grant ID PP160027
Awarded On November 19, 2015
Title Improving Service Delivery to Cancer Survivors in Primary Care Settings
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Evidence-Based Prevention Programs and Services
Institution/Organization The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Lewis Foxhall
Cancer Sites Breast, Colorectal, Prostate
Contracted Amount $1,374,127
Lay Summary

Two-thirds of cancer patients live at least 5 years after diagnosis and many live for decades after treatment. The number of cancer survivors in the U.S. is estimated to be 14 million and is expected to increase to 18 million by 2020. An aging Texas population as well as continued improvements in early detection and treatment will further increase the number of Texans who will have been successfully treated. The expected increase in the number of cancer patients will be cared for by what is predicted to be a declining number of oncology specialists. Evidence based
preventive services are an important component of care intended to maximize survival and improve quality of life, however, ...

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