Grant ID PP160023
Awarded On November 19, 2015
Title Optimizing Colorectal Cancer Screening in East Texas
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Evidence-Based Cancer Prevention Services - Colorectal Cancer Prevention Coalition
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler
Principal Investigator/Program Director Paul McGaha
Cancer Sites Colorectal
Contracted Amount $2,299,753
Lay Summary

Incidence and mortality rates from colorectal cancer (CRC) are higher in East Texas compared to Texas as a whole. CRC screening rates in Texas are far lower for individuals without compared to those with health insurance (6.8% vs. 9.1% for stool blood testing, 28.1% vs. 57.8% for endoscopy). CRC death rates per 100,000 persons are higher in rural than in urban counties. Our team will increase access to and delivery of CRC services (fecal immunochemical testing and colonoscopy), focusing on the uninsured and underinsured.

We will provide a coordinated program to increase access to and delivery of CRC services to individuals in a 19 county area of East Texas. ...

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