Grant ID PP150089
Awarded On May 20, 2015
Title Increasing Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening and Diagnostic Rates in Rural, Frontier, and Border Counties for Uninsured, Underserved Women
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Competitive Continuation/Expansion - Evidence-Based Cancer Prevention Services
Institution/Organization Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service
Principal Investigator/Program Director Carol Rice
Cancer Sites Breast, Cervix Uteri
Contracted Amount $1,500,000
Lay Summary

Increasing access to breast and cervical screening and diagnostic services is a significant need in rural, frontier, and border Texas counties for uninsured and underserved women. While mammography screening has improved nationally over the past 11 years, women in rural areas are less likely to be screened--70.8% of rural vs. 75.7% of urban women. Effective screening for breast cancer yields a 30% reduction in mortality for women 50 years and over. Minority underserved and low SES women have not experienced the same reduction in mortality, however.

A predictor of low screening rates, later stage diagnosis, and higher cancer mortality is the absence of a mammography unit. There are no ...

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