Grant ID PP150086
Awarded On May 20, 2015
Title Access to Breast and Cervical Care for West Texas (West/Central Texas)(ABCC4WT)
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Competitive Continuation/Expansion - Evidence-Based Cancer Prevention Services
Institution/Organization Angelo State University
Principal Investigator/Program Director Linda Ross
Cancer Sites Breast, Cervix Uteri
Contracted Amount $1,480,898
Lay Summary

A key advantage of our current ABC4WT-CV methodology was to establish a model for additional cancer collaboration networks that could be extended to include cervical cancer prevention and early detection for women. The proposed project is targeted to reach 8,009 uninsured women ages 40 and over with information about breast cancer screening services and 3,962 women ages 21 and older who have not had a Pap smear within 3 years. Seven more rural counties not served by the current CPRIT Prevention project portfolio will be added to include: Council of Government (COG)-07 Brown, Coleman, Comanche, and Mitchell; COG-10 Runnels; and COG-23 Mills and San Saba.

In 2011, mortality from breast an...

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