Grant ID PP140210
Awarded On August 20, 2014
Title Cancer genomics training program for a competent Texas health education workforce
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Competitive Continuation/Expansion - Health Behavior Change Through Professional Education
Institution/Organization Texas A&M University
Principal Investigator/Program Director Lei-Shih Chen
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $149,991
Lay Summary

Health educators (HEs) – healthcare professionals who are trained in educating patients, lay public, and promoting behavioral changes – play a significant role in cancer prevention and control. The recent trend in cancer prevention field – cancer family history (CFH)-based cancer genomics services – holds tremendous potential for reducing cancer morbidity and mortality. Yet, such services cannot be maximized given the shortage of genetic specialists, brief primary care appointments, and patients’ limited genomic literacy.

Given the large numbers (more than 75,000 in the U.S.), credentials, and vast expertise of HEs, governmental agencies (e.g., the NIH and CDC) strongly advocate the ne...

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