Grant ID PP120188
Awarded On August 02, 2012
Title Lymphedema Services for Underserved Breast Cancer Survivors of Dallas County
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Evidence-Based Prevention Programs and Services
Institution/Organization Methodist Dallas Medical Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Charla D Gauthier
Cancer Sites Breast
Contracted Amount $599,574
Lay Summary

This project aims to reduce the incidence of lymphedema among underserved breast cancer survivors of Dallas County, as well as provide comprehensive lymphedema therapy to those currently living with the condition. This project has a significant potential to impact our community as this type of survivorship service often goes overlooked and is rarely life threatening. Though not likely fatal, lymphedema decreases the quality of life among hundreds of breast cancer survivors in Dallas County yearly, and can make living with and surviving breast cancer more difficult.

We plan to enroll a total of 125 women onto this project, which will be composed of two parts: (1)a screening, measurement and p...

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