Grant ID PP120089
Awarded On January 18, 2012
Title Cancer Genetic Risk Assessment, Counseling, and Screening of High-risk Individuals in Greater San Antonio and South Texas: Education and Implementation
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Evidence-Based Prevention Programs and Services
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Principal Investigator/Program Director G. E. Tomlinson
Cancer Sites Breast, Colon
Contracted Amount $2,712,654
Lay Summary

When determining one’s risk of cancer, a family history of cancer can be a strong clue, particularly if more than one family member has been diagnosed with the same type of cancer, or if cancer in a family member has occurred at a particularly young age. By taking a good family history, health-care providers can determine who is at high risk of cancer based on their family history.

For some individuals, a blood test can determine if a person carries a genetic tendency to develop cancer. For those individuals at highest risk, many interventions have been tested and proven to decrease the risk of cancer or to detect cancer at an early stage so it can be successfully treated. Using severa...

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