Grant ID PP110187
Awarded On July 27, 2011
Title Y Living: A healthy lifestyle program for cancer prevention and risk reduction
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Health Behavior Change Through Public and Professional Education and Training
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Principal Investigator/Program Director Deborah Parra-Medina
Cancer Sites Breast, Colorectal
Contracted Amount $265,469
Lay Summary

Y Living: A Healthy Lifestyle Program for Cancer Prevention and Risk Reduction (Y Living Program) uses evidence-based strategies to promote physical activity, a balanced diet and prevent excess weight among Hispanic families in San Antonio. The proposed multi-component program was developed in response to local needs and builds on expertise, experience and resources from University of Texas Health Science Center, The University of Texas at San Antonio and YMCA of Greater San Antonio. Through this collaborative effort we will implement a culturally-relevant community-based intervention strategy that includes a communication campaign, individually adapted health education, enhanced social supp...

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