Grant ID PP100230
Awarded On June 18, 2010
Title University Health System Mammography Utilization Project
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Health Promotion, Public Education, and Outreach Programs
Institution/Organization University Health System
Principal Investigator/Program Director Anna McAndrew
Cancer Sites Breast
Contracted Amount $285,706
Lay Summary

Despite recent controversy and news reports, early detection remains the single most important factor in surviving breast cancer; and mammography is the most effective early detection tool available. However, certain groups of women – uninsured, underinsured, women over the age of 50, Hispanic women – are less likely to participate in screening programs for breast cancer. Screening disparities persist as do negative cancer outcomes. Uninsured breast cancer patients are more likely than their insured counterparts to be diagnosed with advanced disease. Uninsured women also experience delays in starting and completing treatment.

The population served by University Health System (UHS) is primar...

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