Grant ID PP100176
Awarded On June 18, 2010
Title Shannon's Cancer Education Outreach Program
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Health Promotion, Public Education, and Outreach Programs
Institution/Organization Shannon Business Services
Principal Investigator/Program Director Becky Fuentes
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $255,198
Lay Summary

Shannon’s Cancer Education Outreach Program has three primary objectives: 1) to prevent additional cases of cancer, 2) to detect cancer at the earliest possible point, and 3) to improve the quality of life of cancer survivors. Shannon will use a multi-tiered approach modified for the culture of West Central Texas. This approach includes patient reminders for screening, distribution of printed material, one-on-one education, group education, support groups, provider assessment and feedback, and a resource center open to the public.

Shannon’s Cancer Empowerment & Resource Center will provide education, printed material, videos, information on community resources, and computers for research. ...

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