Grant ID PP100077
Awarded On March 10, 2010
Title Increasing Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancer Screening and HPV Vaccination among Underserved Texans: A Collaboration with the United Way's 2-1-1 Program
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Evidence-Based Prevention Programs and Services
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Principal Investigator/Program Director Maria E Fernandez
Cancer Sites Breast, Cervix Uteri, Colorectal
Contracted Amount $961,021
Lay Summary

This prevention program represents a unique partnership between an academic institution (University of Texas School of Public Health) and the United Way’s 211, a telephone information and referral system that reaches millions of low income Texans each year and connects them to available resources that meet their needs. Through this collaboration, we will deliver and evaluate an intervention that will increase use of cancer prevention services in Texas.

We will develop and implement a phone navigator intervention designed to connect 2-1-1 callers to evidence-based screening and prevention services including mammography, Pap test screening, colorectal cancer screening, and HPV vaccination. We wi...

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