Grant ID DP230071
Awarded On May 17, 2023
Title Clinical development of a novel CD127 antibody for treating patients with relapsed/refractory Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Program Product Development Research
Award Mechanism Texas Therapeutics Company Awards for Product Development Research
Institution/Organization Allterum Therapeutics, LLC
Principal Investigator/Program Director Atul Varadhachary
Cancer Sites Leukemia
Contracted Amount $11,721,150
Lay Summary

Houston-based Allterum Therapeutics is developing a novel drug to treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). ALL is the most common childhood cancer though it can also occur in adults. Current treatments are effective for many patients, although the treatment can take years and have severe side effects. However, there is still a major unmet medical need since mortality is high for patients who recur and who lack effective options. Our drug is a monoclonal antibody that targets and kills ALL cancer cells without the broader side-effects typically observed with conventional chemotherapies. We will initially focus on treating patients who have failed other treatments with the goal of getting the...

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