Grant ID DP150005
Awarded On May 20, 2015
Title Wireless neuromodulation treatment for bladder dysfunction secondary to cancer
Program Product Development Research
Award Mechanism New Company Product Development Award
Institution/Organization Nexeon MedSystems, Inc
Principal Investigator/Program Director Navid Khodaparast
Cancer Sites Cervix Uteri, Prostate
Contracted Amount $967,000
Lay Summary

Surgical resection and radiotherapy are used frequently in the treatment of prostate, cervical, and rectal cancers. While they can be life-saving therapies, these procedures often burden cancer survivors with secondary conditions such as overactive bladder (OAB). For some cancer patients and survivors, OAB symptoms are an understood outcome of life-saving cancer therapy, while others may view the risk of urinary dysfunction as a reason to forego or substitute potentially inferior forms of treatment. There is a pressing need for treating OAB in cancer patients and survivors; however, existing treatment protocols may not be suitable for patients developing symptoms secondary to cancer or treatm...

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