Grant ID CP130020
Awarded On February 19, 2014
Title Androgen Receptor N-Terminus Blocker Program for Prostate Cancer
Program Product Development Research
Award Mechanism Company Relocation
Institution/Organization ESSA Pharma Inc.
Principal Investigator/Program Director David Wood
Cancer Sites Bone, Other, Prostate
Contracted Amount $12,000,000
Lay Summary

ESSA Pharma Inc. (ESSA) intends to treat castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Growth of prostate cancer cells is driven by male hormones. ESSA’s drugs block the hormone-fueled growth of prostate cancer tumors by an entirely novel mechanism. Specifically, our drugs covalently block the N-terminus of the androgen receptor, preventing activation of the receptor by any means. Thus our drugs may overcome all of the known mechanisms for hormone-therapy resistance.

Our goal is that all men with recurrent prostate cancer will enjoy more months or even years of progression-free lifespan than current therapy offers. ESSA is currently in the clinical candidate selection stage, and expects to c...

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