Advisory Committees

Advisory committees comprised of content experts, practitioners, and patient advocates from across Texas assist CPRIT and its Oversight Committee by focusing upon particular issues critical to CPRIT’s efforts. While some CPRIT advisory committees are created by statute, the Oversight Committee may create additional committees of experts to provide advice on specific cancer-related topics. With the input of its advisory committees, the Oversight Committee is better-equipped to make the informed decisions about CPRIT’s programs and policies.

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University Advisory Committee

The University Advisory Committee (UAC) advises the Oversight Committee about the role of higher education in cancer research. The members of the UAC include representatives as specified in state law.

Advisory Committee on Childhood Cancers

The Advisory Committee on Childhood Cancers (ACCC) advises the Oversight Committee on issues surrounding childhood cancer. The Oversight Committee is responsible for appointing members to the committee. The ACCC collects current information regarding innovative research on the prevention, control and cure of childhood cancers, and current information regarding treatment programs designed to prevent and control cancer.

Product Development Advisory Committee

The Product Development Advisory Committee (PDAC) provides targeted advice to the Oversight Committee concerning the agency’s product development program. Examples of issues include:

  1. General contractual revenue sharing provisions that provide a fair return for the State of Texas while not discouraging follow-on funding from other sources;
  2. Appropriate portfolio mix of product development awards by stage of company and size of award; and
  3. Strategies to expand and encourage relocation of high quality companies to Texas.

Clinical Trials Advisory Committee

The primary purpose of the Clinical Trials Advisory Committee (CTAC) is to advise the Oversight Committee on important issues of the clinical trials. The CTAC shall give their expert opinion on the impact of current CPRIT mechanisms supporting clinical trials; give advice on opportunities to increase CPRIT’s impact on translating basic discoveries to clinical trials; and advise on mechanisms that would address barriers to patient enrollment in therapeutic clinical trials.

Prevention Advisory Committee

The Prevention Advisory Committee (PAC) advises the Oversight Committee on important issues surrounding cancer prevention and control. The members of the PAC, appointed by the Oversight Committee, share their advice on opportunities to increase CPRIT’s impact on cancer prevention and control in Texas.

Geographic Diversity Advisory Committee

The Geographic Diversity Advisory Committee (GDAC) advises the Oversight Committee and staff on universities’ special needs and challenges in developing cancer research capacity in locations far away from the cancer research centers in the major metropolitan areas. The members represent universities that are located 100 miles or more from a National Cancer Institute Designated Center in Houston, Dallas, or San Antonio.